Batch Restoration

Batch Restore


Batch Restore

University administrators encounter different use cases when organizing Moodle site courses in terms of their lifecycle.

For example, some administrators tend to clone the current Moodle site to another site for their archive in August, as most courses end in July. And the next Moodle site is being prepared with the next set of courses, with no content on it.

However, there is a percentage of the courses on the archived site that have not yet been completed. In this scenario, course administrators, managers or creators would be able to transfer courses in bulk between different sites in a secure and programmatic way. 


Restoring categories or courses

This means that an administrator or manager can move (copy and delete) courses between different Moodle sites, both by category and by course. Courses with user data can only be moved by roles with appropriate permissions.

Note that the admin can transfer live courses or schedule this task on an ad-hoc basis so that the transaction system is not overloaded.

At the same time, course managers or course creators of a given category can decide on the destination of individual transfer courses when selecting them: create a new course, select a course to merge its content or even delete it and replace it with the source content.

Remember that the plugin is designed to record actions in the plugin log file, where you can check the result of each restore in detail.

Note that there are two interfaces for using the plugin: one is via the web and the other is via the CLI command line interface.

These options open up countless use cases, and it will be up to each administrator to decide how to use them according to their needs.

For more information, please refer to the plugin's functional manual.

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