How to install
Local Mail 2

Administración del sitio Local Mail Moodle

Installation from Moodle

You can install it directly from the Moodle plugin directory through the menu:
Site Administration > Extensions > Install Plugins.
Simply navigate through the directory and select Install.
(Your Moodle site needs to be registered).

Módulo de Local Mail en sección de plugins de Moodle

Download module

You can download it from the following link on the Moodle plugins webpage. After downloading it, extract the contents into the /local folder in the Moodle directory.

Instalación en Moodle del plugin Local Mail

Install in Moodle

Log in to your Moodle website as an administrator and visit the administration page. All plugins to update or install will appear, including the Local Mail module. Click on Update Moodle database now button to proceed with the installation and, in the future, to keep the plugin updated.

Parámetros de configuración de Local Mail en Moodle

Configure module

Once the Local Mail plugin is installed, you can modify and configure some parameters to personalize your users' experience. Enable backups and restoration, and set appropriate values for configuration parameters, such as the maximum number of recipients per message, the maximum allowed size of files in each email and their size limits. These are just some of the many features you can customize, as you also have multiple options to configure navigation, the search tool, message tags, and even the email folders themselves.
