Improved formula editor

Acceso al editor de fórmulas

Access to the enhanced formula editor

To access the formula editor you must pull down the "Edit" menu of the category totals or manual rating items and click on "Edit calculation".

Múltiples evaluaciones

Edit your formula

The 'Enhanced Formula Editor' allows to create formulas based on Moodle native aggregation methods in a simple and intuitive way.
We can select different gradable items and add a grading method to them. Once done, we generate and save it.


Check your grade book

If you check the calculations in the gradebook you will see that everything is set up perfectly in your course.


Plan de Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia

This project has been carried out with public funds from UNIDIGITAL, Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, NextGenerationEU.

Financiado por la Unión Europea